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      Legendary actor, John Amos delivered a great 11 stanza monologue poem as the character James Evans Sr. on the hit 70’s TV show, “Good Times”. This monologue poem showcases why James Evans Sr. will always be a beloved TV dad. 
      In this monologue poem, James is sticking up for his son, J.J., and making sure that J.J. is paid properly for his art.
      This monologue poem is written in 11 tercets (3 line stanzas) that are in song format. The rhyme scheme looks like this: aab, ccd, eef, ggh, etc…
      I talk alot about song format rhyme scheme on this blog because the english language in most monologue poems likes to rhyme and then give a line to conclude the thought with out rhyming. That last line acts like a period at the end of a sentence.
      If I were to perform this monologue poem, I would place a brief pause between the 2nd and 3rd line of each stanza. I would also just naturally flow from the 3rd  line of each stanza into the 1st line of the following stanza. I would speak the words of this poem with anger towards the listener and with pride in my son.
      Check out the monologue poem BELOW. Then please LIKE, COMMENT ON and FOLLOW this blog.

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