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      I found a 6 stanza monologue poem that was delivered brilliantly by the legendary actor, Mr. T, as the character B.A. Baracus on the hit ’80’s TV show, ” The A-Team”.
      In this monologue poem, B.A. Baracus is vehemently expressing his desire not to get on a plane with Murdoch to Hannibal. And B.A. gets angry when he realizes that he’s been lied to.
      This monologue poem is written in 6 tercets (3 line stanzas) that are in song format. So the rhyme scheme looks like this: aab, ccd, eef, ggh, iij, kkl. The 1st and 2nd lines rhyme with one another while the 3rd line does NOT rhyme at all. The 3rd line concludes the thought like a period at the end of sentence.
      If I were to perform this monologue poem, I would talk-sing or rap the words like song lyrics. In each stanza, I would flow a bit faster on the rhymed lines to reinforce the rhyme in the listener’s ears and then calm down a bit on the 3rd line. I might also give a short pause between the 3rd line of each stanza and the 1st line of the following stanza.
      Check out the monologue poem BELOW. Then please LIKE, COMMENT ON and FOLLOW this blog.

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