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      Laurence Fishburne, as the character named, Bowery King, opens the movie “John Wick: Chapter 4” with an awesome sonnet that is a recitation from Dante Alighieri’s poem “Inferno”.
     In this monologue poem, Bowery King proclaims with great bravado that he is a King and that he is the way to pain and misery for any opponent.
      This sonnet is broken up into 3 parts. A sestet (6 lines) and 2 quatrains (4 lines each) that all have an oscillation back and forth between lines that have an internal rhyme and lines that DO NOT rhyme at all (represented by an X). The rhyme scheme looks like this: axaxax, bxbx, cxcx. This is a very strange but interesting rhyme scheme.
       If I were to perform this internal oscillation sonnet, I would speak with a great bravado and say the unrhymed lines with alot more vehemence than the rhymed lines. This will complete the thought for the listener’s ears. This oscillation between internal rhyme and NO rhyme will add extra color to the sonnet like jazz musicians when the jump on and off the beat to add more color to their melodies.
      Check out the sonnet BELOW. Then Please LIKE, COMMENT ON and FOLLOW this blog.

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