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     American actor, David Dastmalchian is best known for his supporting roles in superhero movies. The voice over monologue that I’m focusing on in this blog post is from one of those great supporting roles.
      This is a voice over monologue from the new animated Batman movie, “BATMAN: The Doom That Came To Gotham” where David Dastmalchian was the voice of Grendon.
      In this monologue poem Grendon explains how he is possessed by some evil spirit that can’t be looked upon with human eyes.
      This monologue poem is written in 6 quintets (5 line stanzas) where in each stanza the 1st & 2nd lines rhyme with each other, the 3rd & 4th lines rhyme with one another, and then theres the 5th line which does NOT rhyme at all but instead is there to conclude the thought. So the rhyme scheme is written like this: aabbc, ddeef, gghhi, etc…
      If I were to perform this monologue poem, I would speak spiritually for the entire monologue. Some drama schools teach the Stanislavski technique of “As if”. Where your perform something as if it was something else. I would speak this poem like I’m giving a sermon or testifying about how I was deemed worthy and chosen by the powerful spirit of Jesus who can’t be looked upon with human eyes. I would conclude as if I was telling that Jesus is coming back. I would have so much fun playing with the religious/spiritual undertones of this monologue poem.
      Check out the monologue poem BELOW. Then please LIKE, COMMENT ON and FOLLOW this blog.

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