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      Emperor Palpatine delivered a 9 quatrain monologue poem as his speech to the senate in Star Wars: The Bad Batch.
      Emperor Palpatine speaks about Admiral Rampart being a rogue element within their organization, punishing Admiral Rampart, and introducing the Imperial Stormtrooper.
      This monologue poem is written 9 enclosed quatrains that are each made up of a rhymed couplet (2 lines) sandwiched in between 2 lines that do NOT rhyme at all. The rhyme scheme looks like this: abbc, deef, ghhi, etc…
      If I were to perform this monologue poem, I would speak the rhymed lines with great volume and tone than the unrhymed lines. I would also put a brief pause between the 4th line of each stanza and the 1st line of the following stanza. This will reinforce the beginning and end of each thought to the listener’s ears.
      Check out the monologue poem BELOW. Then please LIKE, COMMENT ON and FOLLOW this blog.

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