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The head of the Skarsgårds, the great Swedish family of actors, Stellan Skarsgård delivers a great monologue poem as Luthen Rael in the Star Wars series “Andor”.
      This monologue poem is all about sacrificing current happiness to create a better future that you may not be alive to see.
      This monologue poem can be done in 2 different ways. In the first way, the poem is written in 11 tercet stanzas (3 lines) that are in song format where lines 1 & 2 rhyme with each other while the last does NOT rhyme with anything and acts like a conclusion to the thought. So the rhyme scheme looks like this: aab, ccd, eef, ggh, etc….

If I were to perform this monologue poem in the 1st method, I would exploit the song format. I would elongate syllables. I would speak in a melodious talk-sing manner with my pitch rising and falling to better catch the ear of the listener. Check out method 1 BELOW.

      The second way to do this monologue poem, the poem is written in 27 lines where you oscillate back and forth between lines that have an internal rhyme scheme and lines that do NOT rhyme at all. This type of internal rhyme scheme makes the speaker sound extremely intelligent.
     If I were to perform this monologue poem in the 2nd method, I would speak the rhymed lines with a lot more color and vehemence than I would the unrhymed lines. This will give the listener the same effect as jazz musicians who frequently jump on and off the beat to add more color and style to their melodies. I would also properly pronounce all of the syllables in all of the words. This will help with sounding more intelligent.
      Check out the 2nd way to do this poem BELOW. Then please LIKE, COMMENT ON and FOLLOW this blog.

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